Here’s a little about us!

We are Pegah and Liezel, co-founders of Rise and Repaint

In March 2018, Pegah Kargar and Liezel Strauss launched Repaint History and Art Girl Rising respectively to address the underrepresentation of women artists in the art world.

Two ventures across the globe, unknown to one-another, with one shared goal.

After discovering each other's work, (spending hours on Zoom calls!) and realizing their shared mission, passion and vision for an inclusive art world

they joined forces to launch;



Nobody Says Picasso: The Male Artist

Patti Smith

Watch more of our story here

Rise and Repaint (previously known as ArtGirlRising and Repaint History) is part of Toronto Metropolitan University’s Social Venture Zone (SVZ), an incubator for Social Enterprises.

We are so incredibly grateful to SVZ for all their support, time and input.

Read our interview with SVZ here